The Benefits of Sea Swimming With 30 Bays In 30 Days

In partnership with Les Bourgs Hospice

Sea swimming has always been popular in Guernsey, long before wild swimming and cold water therapy gained serious recognition in the world of wellness. It makes sense, living on an island, that people would naturally be drawn to the sea. There's a thriving local community of open water swimmers. Talk to them, and they'll tell you how good it feels to get into the water on a regular basis, and about the many ways they benefit from the experience.



At this time of year, they might also tell you about 30 Bays in 30 Days. It's been a firm favourite in the islands summer calendar in recent years, combining the benefits of sea swimming with fundraising for Les Bourgs Hospice, a local charity that’s close to many of our hearts. The annual event has raised an impressive £250,000 to date, and you can help to carry on the tradition by signing up this July.  

Whether you’re a seasoned year-round swimmer, an occasional summer bather or someone who’s thinking about starting sea swimming this year, 30 Bays in 30 Days could be just what you need to get your summer off to a great start.

You'll not only be supporting a worthwhile local cause, you'll feel the benefits on a personal level too.

Here's what you can expect.



1.  You’ll Feel Happier.

There are many ways that sea swimming benefits your mental wellbeing. Your body reacts to being immersed in cold water by boosting your dopamine levels and releasing endorphins. In other words, your ‘happy hormones’ are activated so you will feel more positive and content after a swim. It can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and help to build mental resilience. Studies show that over time, this can help you to become more confident and boost your self esteem. 


2.  You’ll Feel More Balanced.

Sea swimming is the ultimate form of meditation. The shock of immersing yourself into cold sea water can feel like it’s quite literally taking your breath away. In that moment, your mind is cleared of the noise of everyday life and your focus is solely on your breathing. And of course, there’s not an electronic device in sight, so there are no interruptions from emails or notifications. The after effects can also be quite powerful. Many people will tell you they feel more alert and have more mental clarity after a dip in the sea.  


3.  You’ll Feel Healthier.

The simple act of immersing yourself in cold water kick starts your body’s physical responses, increasing blood flow and circulation and reducing inflammation. Studies linked to Wim Hof, a well known advocate of cold water therapy have shown that regular exposure to a cold environment can also result in an increased immune response and fewer symptoms of disease. Although ice baths are Wim’s preferred method of immersion, a swim in the cold sea waters around Guernsey can be just as invigorating and can offer many of the same health benefits. 


4.  You’ll Feel More Connected With Nature. 

Whether you take a trip along the west coast, hike down to a south coast bay or pop by the bathing pools, you'll find yourself surrounded by the natural beauty of Guernsey’s coastline. Depending on the weather, the tide and the time of day there’s something new to take in with every swim. You can’t help but appreciate the appeal of our island's beaches, and many studies have shown that time spent in nature is beneficial for your mental health and wellbeing. 


5.  You’ll Feel More Connected With Others.

There’s a real sense of community amongst sea swimmers. From a friendly smile and casual hello as you cross paths with another like minded soul at the bathing pools, to a social swim with some of the more organised local swim groups, sea swimming is helping to tackle the growing issue of loneliness and social isolation in our community. There’s a sense of camaraderie and also a great sense of achievement, knowing that you have all overcome the same initial uncomfortable feelings of getting into the cold water… and persevered! 



I have loved hearing the many stories about how [ 30 Bays ] has helped people to rediscover, or start, a love of sea swimming… Whether you are a regular 30 bayer or first timer I hope that you can join us to make the most of Summer and importantly raise funds for Les Bourgs Hospice.

Liz Stonebridge, founder of 30 Bays in 30 Days


What You Need To Know About 30 Bays in 30 Days.

 - You are challenged to swim 30 strokes (or more) in 30 bays during 30 days during the month of July. 

 - You do not have to swim every day. If you are busy you can skip a day or two and make up the swims on the weekend.

 - You can choose to swim the bays on the list in any order you choose, whenever you like. 

 - You will discover new swim spots on the island, or re-visit some bays that you haven’t been to in a while.

 - You will have a different swim experience every day, depending on the tide, the weather, the time of day and who you're swimming with.

 - You can continue the challenge into August if you’re off island or life gets in the way.

 - You can opt for 9baysin30days if you want to take part with young children or would find the full 30 days too intense.

 - You can sign up here



Stay Safe.

Sea swimming is extremely rewarding, but there are obvious risks associated with being out in the open water. When you are trying out sea swimming, or exploring new areas to swim in, it’s always important to stay safe.

This mini-list of sea swimming tips from Guernsey Swim Adventures is a helpful reminder of how to stay safe and be seen.


1.  Plan your swim.

2.  Know your tides.

3.  Check out the local weather. 

4.  Acclimatise to the water temperature

5.  Swim with a buddy.

6.  Swim to your ability.

7.  Be bright and visible.

8.  Respect other water users.

9.  Have a warm drink after your swim.

10. Don't forget to bring dry clothes.

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