Books To Read RN To Improve Your Life

Are you ready to fulfil your full potential? Do  you want to improve your life right now? If the answer to these questions is yes, then this is the list for you. 

From overcoming imposter syndrome to having more fun, it’s time to get out of your head and into the world with these books, curated for us by Librarian Beth Brown at the Guille Allès Library.



1.  Confident and Killing It, by Tiwalola Ogunlesi

Here is an empowering, practical guide to overcoming imposter syndrome, getting sassy with negative thoughts and succeeding in all areas of life. 'Understanding that confidence is a practice and becoming intentional about my personal growth has helped me win the battle in my mind and become the confident woman I am today. Discovering my truth has brought so much joy, love and abundance into my life, and I want the same for every single one of you.'

Tiwalola Ogunlesi is on a mission to create a world of confident women. An esteemed and highly sought-after motivational speaker and confidence coach, she founded her company with the sole purpose of leading women to love themselves. In 'Confident and Killing It', Tiwalola guides readers in becoming the most unapologetic and unstoppable version of themselves.

Beth says: Looking for an empowering read? Confident and Killing It is chock full of teachings and mantras to help you live your best life.

Borrow here.


2.  The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life, by Mike Rucker 

'The Fun Habit' offers readers clear and compelling scientific evidence for the life-sustaining value and importance of fun, as well as tactics and techniques for making fun a regular part of our adult lives in a way that feels comfortable and authentic, not forced or phony. Imagine that tomorrow you woke up, went out, and won the lottery. Now imagine that tomorrow you woke up, went out, and lost a limb. Which would you prefer? 

Amazingly, current science suggests that after both of these scenarios, you would likely return to the same happiness level as before, within a relatively short window of time. 'The Fun Habit' shows that fun, unlike happiness, is an action you can take almost anywhere, anytime. Fun is connected to behaviour and habits rather than goals, which means it's possible to get more fun into your life with intention.

Beth says: Modern life can be so hectic. Finding little moments for fun is more important then ever for our overall well-being. This book is a great springboard to having a more fun and fulfilling life!

Borrow here. 


3.  Life In Five Senses: How Exploring The Senses Got Me Out Of My Head And Into The World, by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin has studied happiness and human nature for more than a decade, but as she became increasingly busy and stuck in her head, she didn't notice the sensations of life quietly fading. In this journey of self-experimentation, she lifts herself from a state of foggy preoccupation into a rediscovered world by exploring the mysteries and joys of the five senses. Drawing on cutting-edge science, philosophy, literature and her own efforts to practice what she learns, Rubin investigates the profound power of tuning in to the physical world. From the simple pleasures of appreciating ketchup and curating a playlist of her favourite songs, to more adventurous daily rituals, excursions and a trip to Flavour University. In the rush of daily life, she finds that our five senses offer us a path to a happier, more mindful life.

Beth says: This was one of my favourite books I read in 2023 it was so interesting. Tuning into your senses is a good way to enrich your life, one sniff, smell, taste, and touch at a time. 

Borrow here.


4.  Happy Mind, Happy Life: 10 Simple Ways To Feel Great Every Day, by Dr Ranjan Chatterjee

The science is clear: Happiness plays a vital role in your health. Learn how to make it a priority. During his 20 years as a GP, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, author of the international bestseller Feel Better in 5, has seen first-hand that motivation isn't always enough for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's only when we learn how to support our own mental wellbeing and cultivate core happiness that these choices become easy.

In Happy Mind, Happy Life, Dr. Chatterjee shares cutting-edge insights into the science of happiness and reveals 10 simple ways to put you back in control of your health. It features real-life case studies and more than 20 practical exercises. Whether you are at a crisis point or simply want to experience more joy, this book will help you feel calmer, more confident, and able to live your life to the full. Your body and mind will thank you.

Beth says: I’m a big fan of anything Dr. Chatterjee writes and this book doesn’t disappoint. Happy mind, happy life is set out clearly and has many simple and manageable tips we can adopt to improve our mental health and wellbeing. More people should read this!

Borrow here.


5.  Get Your Money Right: Understand Your Money and Make It Work For You, by  Emmanuel Asuquo

Financial advisor and TV presenter Emmanuel Asuquo, is here to prove that learning about money does not have to be boring, especially as we battle through the current cost of living crisis. Get Your Money Right is a no-nonsense, no jargon guide to money that takes you to a place where you are in CONTROL of your MONEY, so that you can earn more of it, spend less, build wealth and eventually, pass more of it on to the next generation.

Beth says: This is a great, no-nonsense guide to getting on top of your finances and looking after your financial health.

Borrow here.

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