New Moon

New Moon in Virgo

Tuesday 3 September 2024

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

How You May Be Feeling And Why.

The energy of Leo season was intense to say the least! It was energetic, expansive, heart opening and slightly chaotic. Chaos doesn’t have to be seen as a negative, sometimes we need a bit of a shake up in our lives to see what is working for us and what isn't. To reflect on what actions are coming from the head and which are from the heart - thank you Leo for that.  

Now it is time to come back down to earth. Following on from the fire of Leo is the grounding energy of Virgo. It encourages us to ground ourselves and process the last few weeks. Leo helped us step into our authentic power, to channel that ‘main character energy’ and be bold! Virgo is here so we can let go of any self-doubt that might be lingering, build up our self worth to allow us to see our full potential. So what did you learn about yourself in Leo season and how can you put that learning into practice?


How To Take Advantage Of This Energy.

When we feel worthy of our intentions they can manifest into reality, so use the healing Virgo energy to feel into where you don’t yet feel ‘good enough’.  Do you feel worthy of your intentions, of the life you wish to create?  

Join Mary of La Luna Healing & Holistic Guidance on Tuesday 3 September from 7.00-10.00pm for her New Moon gathering connecting the mind, body and soul. The sessions will include drinking the beautiful herbal remedy Passionflower or Mugwort, raising your vibration with a power song, sound healing, shamanic reiki, movement with the spiral dance, the primal scream, and reiki.


Find out more with our Weekly Moon Guide, your local guide to the moon cycle and energy in Guernsey.

In partnership with New Moon Wellness.

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