The 2-2-2 Rule Is Helping Couples To Spend More Time Together

There’s some relationship advice floating around on Instagram & TikTok at the moment that has people thanking it for improving the quality time they have with their partner. With life being so busy these days with work, family, and hobbies, it’s easy to let a lot of time pass without spending quality time with your partner. This is where the 2-2-2 rule comes into play.

It essentially involves scheduling in quality one-on-one time together to make sure that you are nurturing your relationship. And whilst some may not see that as a hugely romantic idea, others (like us!) may welcome the ease and practicality of it as a solution during a busy season of life.



So what is the 2-2-2 rule?

Every 2 Weeks: Go on a date.

Every 2 Months: Take a weekend away.

Every 2 Years: Plan a getaway together.

It seems simple enough, but yeah… it also sounds pricey, so here are a few ways that you can tweak it to make it work for you:


1.  Keep It Simple.

You don’t have to go out for a big dinner for your date - or spend a whole weekend away even. Why not just cook dinner and eat it at the table with the TV off? Or spend a day out somewhere you rarely go on island and focus on having fun together instead of a whole weekend. 


2.  Support Local With Special Offers.

If the additional cost of babysitters adds up for you then why not have a midweek lunch date? Steak & chips at Red is a lunch deal worth making time for. You could also pop over to Herm or Sark for the night instead of a weekend. Or take advantage of the off-season weeknight offers that we often see pop up at Camp de Reves. We’ve got so many places to switch off together around our islands, so keep an eye out for things to do and get spontaneous - book them in!


3.  Make Your Own Rules.

Want to make it 1-1-1 and go weekly or monthly? Want to stretch it to 3-3-3? Go ahead. The point of this is to regularly be making time for each other so even at the beginning of each month you carve out space in your calendars for quality time. Just make sure you stick to it!

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